Group Psychotherapy
What it is: Group work consists of small groups of people (patients or others) getting together and putting efforts towards a collective purpose. This can involve group psychotherapy, with group members as patients and a facilitator, professional groups, such as consultation or support groups, or other types of groups.
Frequency: Typically psychotherapy group meetings are once a week. Depending on schedules, presenting concerns, and motivation, this can be adjusted. Professional groups can meet in a variety of different frequencies, usually monthly at least.
Length: Groups can last for a variety of timeframes. They can go for as short as 6-8 weeks and as long as years.
What to Expect: Setting aside a consistent day and time for group work is essential: otherwise the group will not experience any level of cohesion for meaningful progress. Be ready to more fully engage with others as authentically as you can.
Current Waitlist for Groups:
Take Control of Your Moods: Bipolar and Mood Disorder Psychotherapy Group